Vito Miccolis is an Italian percussionist, drummer, radio host, comedian. Artist well known since the 80s as a musician and as a comedian with his alter ego “Doctor Lo Sapio”, in 2000 he gained national notoriety by founding the band Trib. Drummer and percussionist for various Italian groups, including: Fratelli di Soledad, Amici di Roland, Gipo Farassino, Mambassa, Mau Mau, Persiana Jones, Statuto.
Today he collaborates with Alberto Napo Napolitano, Federico Sirianni, Mao.
He recorded 43 albums, including “Latin Land” (“A minha querida guitarra”) by Simona Palumbo, taking care of all the percussion both in the studio and for the live. He is part of live ethno-latin Simona’s formations in quartet, quintet, octet.

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